You can close your eyes, but you can’t close your ears, says Dr. Thomas Münzel. Disturbed sleep, heart failure, and stroke are among the horribles we suffer when exposed to excessive noise.
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Article Categories
Wind turbines in 2018
Dr. Arline Bronzaft writes about wind turbine noise and the growing evidence suggesting harmful impacts of wind turbine sound on health.
No one told you drone delivery would be so damn loud
No one told you drone delivery would be so damn loud, but it’s true. So why are we rushing
toward drone delivery when alternatives already exist?
Restaurant noise is still a problem
Restaurant noise is still a problem, but it doesn’t have to be. Dr. Daniel Fink tells us that acoustic science is up to the task of making restaurants quieter.
A layperson’s guide to the WHO’s noise and health report
John Stewart, lead author of “Why Noise Matters,” explains the significance of the WHO’s new noise guidelines in his layperson’s guide to the WHO’s noise and health report.
Noise is killing us
Noise is killing us. It hurts our health from hearing loss to diabetes to death. So shouldn’t we start taking steps towards reducing noise in public spaces?
FAA reauthorization includes noise provisions
Congress reauthorizes the FAA and expressly addresses noise in a subtitle. Kudos to the Quiet Skies Coalition groups for keeping the pressure on the FAA.
New method claims to cancel noise without ear-blocking headphones
A new method claims to cancel noise without ear-blocking headphones. New technology is great, but there are things we can do now to make spaces quieter.
The Toronto Star says “Turn down the volume!”
The Toronto Star says “Turn down the volume!” Dr. Daniel Fink writes about Toronto’s efforts to make the city a quieter place and the health impacts of second-hand noise.