Where is NYC’s promised Quality-of-Life Plan? Dr. Arline Bronzaft hopes it’s released soon and offers some advice and studies to Deputy Mayor of Operations Laura Anglin.
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Why boomers hate restaurants targeting millennials
Why to boomers hate restaurants targeting millennials? In a word, noise. Baby boomers remember when you could enjoy a meal and a conversation.
Research finds dangerous noise levels on London’s Tube
Despite the British government paying more attention to noise pollution than here in the U.S., research finds dangerous noise levels on London’s Tube.
Do-it-yourself noise mitigation at home
IKEA introduces do-it-yourself noise mitigation for the home. It’s great that people have design options to abate noise, but wouldn’t it be more efficient to regulate noise instead?
A revised definition of noise for National Protect Your Hearing Month
Dr. Daniel Fink proposes a revised definition of noise for National Protect Your Hearing Month: noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound.
Sacred space? Museum journal devotes special issue to sound
A special issue of the journal Curator is devoted to sound and noise. And inspiring them to address this topic was The Quiet Coalition’s Dr. Arline Bronzaft.
Noise or tinnitus causing sleep loss? There’s an app for that….
Noise or tinnitus causing sleep loss? The New York Times writes about apps that help people desperate for sleep deal with the noise or tinnitus that’s keeping them awake.
Increasing urban noise affecting Dublin
Increasing urban noise is affecting Dublin, just as it is affecting other large cities. Dr. Daniel Fink writes that steps can be taken to make all cities quieter.
Why noise pollution is more dangerous than we think
Complementing David Owen’s article in The New Yorker on noise pollution is this video that discusses why noise pollution is more dangerous than we realize.