Spotlight on hyperacusis

Apr 8, 2017 | Blog, Hyperacusis

Hyperacusis with pain is a newly identified disorder in the field of otology. It’s one of several difficult auditory symptoms often caused by a noise injury or a head injury.

Hyperacusis Research is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity dedicated to the development of effective treatments for hyperacusis and to funding research that will eliminate the underlying mechanisms that cause hyperacusis. Recently the organization held a dinner event in conjunction with the Association for Research in Otolaryngology’s (ARO) annual meeting. At that event, Hyperacusis Research President Bryan Pollard, a founding member of the Quiet Coalition, noted that their survey data shows that a full two-thirds of hyperacusis patients experience daily or continuous pain from everyday noises.

Many presentations concerning hyperacusis were made at the ARO annual meeting, including a discussion of intracochlear pressure measurement for conductive hyperacusis, a study of the Type II nerve fibers that appear responsible for noise-induced pain, studies on animal models of hyperacusis, a talk about the need to reduce research waste, and much more. Full details about the event can be found at the Hyperacusis Research website.

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