Short-term renters in Los Angeles disturb locals

Photo credit: RDNE Stock project

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

As the number short-term rentals has increased in Los Angeles County, residents in a number of unincorporated areas of Los Angeles have grown, and these transient visitors are not always great neighbors. Full-time residents in one of these unincorporated neighborhoods reported that their streets now have piles of trash, and nights are overwhelmed with loud music. These residents feel helpless because they say that there are no regulations on short-term rentals.

According to this article on NBC 4 Los Angeles, the City of Los Angeles does have an ordinance that governs home-sharing. The ordinance states that the individual renting the home must be the primary host and there are restrictions that curb illegal hosts. However, similar ordinances have not yet been passed in a number of unincorporated areas. Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis stated in an email that she shared the residents’ concerns. She added that an ordinance being considered would allow residents to resolve issues caused by short-term renters.

The article also raises a potential housing issue. When people invest in multiple properties for short-term rentals, it reduces the affordable housing stock available for locals. Solis recognized the problem and let readers know that she supports more affordable housing.  

Although Solis did not mention noise or trash in her statement, she did note that short-term rentals can impact resident’s quality of life. One resident said that when renters party, the noise causes neighbors to lose sleep. We know that sleep is essential to a healthy life. While noise diminishes overall quality of life, it is also a hazard to our mental and physical well-being.  

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