When the lake growls on a winter’s night

Dec 24, 2021 | Blog, Quiet Coalition

Photo credit: riciardus from Pexels

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

This wonderful essay from John Myers in the Duluth Tribune discusses the many sounds ice makes on lakes in the far north in the winter.

Growls, pops, snaps, and many other sounds. Myers goes on to discuss the many causes for the different noises.

I went to medical school in upstate New York before climate change, so I am well-acquainted with cold and snow but not the sounds of ice on a lake.

Since I now live in Southern California, it was fascinating to read about these sounds in the rural Minnesota night, sounds that I will probably never hear but am now glad to know about.

And with that, The Quiet Coalition wishes everyone a Happy New Year.  We will be taking a week-long break and will return on January 4, 2022.

Have a quiet and peaceful holiday.

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