What Is a quietway?

Photo courtesy of Dr. Daniel Fink

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

“What is a quietway?” I wondered what it was when I saw the Quietway sign on a recent trip to London.

I had to search the internet to learn that London is establishing bicycle routes on less trafficked streets to encourage bicycle use by those who might avoid heavy traffic. These routes will be quieter for the riders, and also for the neighborhoods through which they ride.

London has made great efforts to encourage bicycle use. They seem to be working. We saw many more bicycle riders in London than we do in Los Angeles, which has much better weather that is more suited to cycling.

Maybe Los Angeles and other American cities, especially in the southwest, can adopt some of the ideas London is using.

A quieter world in which people can get healthy exercise while reducing noise and their carbon footprints will be a healthier world for all

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