Upcoming UECNA webinar on noise

Photo credit: fauxels

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

Our friends at the European Union Against Aircraft Nuisances, or UECNA, announced a webinar about the effects of ultrafine particles and low frequency noise on humans. The speaker will be Dr. Ourania Konstanti, a cell biology specialist at the University of Athens. Ultrafine particles are widely spread by aircraft, and low frequency noise can affect health even if one isn’t aware of it. Here is a link to the UECNA website, where information can be found about registering for the Sep. 16 webinar.

The only minor downside I see to the webinar is the time. It’s at 6 p.m. Central European Time, which means it’s noon in New York City and 9 a.m. in Los Angeles. Sometimes people are busy at those hours. But I have attended some UECNA webinars, and they have always been informative. I hope you can find the time to watch, too.

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