UK lawmaker introduces fireworks noise bill

Photo credit: Frank Cone

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

During the summer in New York City, many neighborhoods have complained about the impact of loud fireworks. While New Yorkers look forward to the Fourth of July fireworks displays, they do not expect loud blasts in their neighborhoods. Both New York City and New York State have strict regulations regarding the use of fireworks, and a few types are legal. Yet, during the summer, the use of illegal fireworks persists and citizens have called on the police to intervene.

We learn in this article that members of the UK public can buy fireworks as loud 120 decibels. A member of Parliament is now introducing a bill to lower this decibel level because the legal levels are keeping people awake, affecting animals and are especially bothersome to special education students. This member will also be meeting with businesses and consumer groups to discuss their concerns about loud fireworks. The business minister believes the public should opt for quieter fireworks while acknowledging that there are occasions when fireworks are used appropriately. These firework displays can still be enjoyed at lower levels, he said. 

Two ministers were quoted urging the government to move quickly on the bill. Considering how much we know about the adverse effects of loud sounds on our health and well-being, I strongly agree.  

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