UECNA continues to cover noise issues

Photo credit: SevenStorm JUHASZIMRUS

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

John Stewart is the president of the European Union Against Aircraft Noise (UECNA). He has been a strong advocate for a healthier, quieter environment — including lessening aircraft noise and air pollution around airports — for many years.  I was pleased to have contributed to the book “Why Noise Matters,” published in 2011, with Stewart as the lead author. I continue to work with him on aircraft noise and air pollution issues to this day.

While not all readers of these posts are involved in aircraft noise and air pollution issues, I believe many will find UECNA’s monthly newsletter worth reading. It illustrates how citizens can advocate for a healthier environment. A recent newsletter presents an article (which can be found here along with others) on how aircraft can lessen noise impacts by adopting certain operational practices regarding ascent and departure. Another article informs readers of groups protesting across Europe against night flights, and we learn that such protests will likely grow. Articles like these inform us of ways that aircraft noise pollution can be reduced if those in power have the will to do so.  

When it comes to aircraft noise and air pollution, we know that the problem is international and this newsletter lets us know what our partners in Europe are doing regarding this problem. In numbers there is strength, and I believe this newsletter underscores this reality.

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