Photo credit: Cindy Shebley licensed under CC BY 2.0

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

Well, the quiet transition doesn’t start tomorrow. Thanks to the efforts of The Quiet Coalition’s Jamie Banks, PhD, and the nonprofit organization she started and leads, Quiet Communities, Inc., it has already started.

What is the quiet transition? In landscape maintenance, it’s about transitioning in a sensible way from an old technology platform – noisy, polluting gas combustion engines – to a new one – cleaner, quieter battery electric and robotic tools, including large riding mowers. This transition promises to reduce noise, emissions, greenhouse gases, fuel spillage, and toxic waste.

Transitioning an industry from the old to the new isn’t easy in any industry. There are a number of factors to consider including entrenched practices, existing business infrastructure, resistance to change, higher costs, and infrastructure requirements.

That’s why, on Thursday, December 16, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Quiet Communities and Boston University are hosting “The Quiet Transition: Leading by Example in Clean, Quiet Land Care.” This 2-hour webinar will feature municipal and government leaders who recognize the importance of clean, quiet landscape maintenance in improving the health of workers, the public, and the environment and are leading by example in transitioning their communities through stakeholder engagement, programmatic approaches, and leadership.

Interested? There is still time to register. Here’s the invitation.

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