The noise queen of New York City

Photo credit: Arline Bronzaft

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

New York Magazine’s Curbed recently published a wonderful interview with the Quiet Coalition’s Arline Bronzaft, PhD, dubbing her “the de facto noise queen of New York City.” That’s quite an honor, and it is well deserved.

As the article notes, Bronzaft is an environmental psychologist who has advised multiple mayors about noise. She continues to serve on the board of GrowNYC, an environmental nonprofit that seeks to improve New Yorkers’ quality of life, which includes addressing noise pollution. 

Bronzaft’s pioneering work fifty years ago showed that noise interfered with children’s learning and when the classroom was made quieter, test scores improved. She continues to work on making New York City, one of the world’s noisiest cities, quieter. Her pioneering research and advocacy has had influence around the world.

Bronzaft knows, as does everyone at the Quiet Coalition, that a quieter city and a quieter world will be a better and healthier world for all.

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