Gal Beckerman in “The Case for Covering Your Ears,” writes about the importance of being silent and of hearing silence in a noisy world.
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The sound of winter
The sound of winter is starkly different in rural Maine than Manhattan. Jennifer Finney Boylan reflects on the difference and her appreciation of the sound of nothing at all.
Embracing stillness
Watch this short interview of Steve Orfield, who runs an anechoic chamber, one of the quietest places on earth, as he discusses the importance of stillness.
The sound of silence
Robert Twigger, poet, writer, and explorer, writes about how he rejuvenates himself when he is feeling crushed by noise.
Silence, please! Is it really possible to mute the world?
Silence, please! Is it really possible to mute the world? In a word, no. Well, certainly not yet, but scientists are working on new technology that may reduce noise.
The rare peace that only silence can offer
Poet Meghan O’Rourke leaves the hustle and bustle of Brooklyn to wander through Hoh Rain Forest in search of “a willful silence.”
Is quiet a luxury?
Is quiet a luxury? The growth of silent spas resorts and retreats suggests yes. Click here to learn how some quiet time can help you.
“In Pursuit of Silence” opens in NYC and LA
Coming to a theater near you? “In Pursuit of Silence,” a “meditative exploration of our relationship with silence” to premier in New York City and Los Angeles.