Chemical earmuffs to prevent hearing loss? Dr. Daniel Fink asks why so much effort is spent developing drugs to prevent hearing loss after noise exposure when avoiding loud noise is easier.
Article Category:
noise-induced hearing loss
Article Categories
AARP focuses on musicians and hearing loss
David Sykes writes about an AARP article that cites a German study showing working musicians are nearly 4 times more likely to suffer noise-induced hearing loss than any other profession.
Loud fitness classes compromise instructors’ voices
The NY Times writes about how loud fitness classes are compromising instructors’ vocal cords. Dr. Fink thinks they should worry about their hearing, too, as should their students.
Can a drug that repairs DNA prevent noise-induced hearing loss?
Can a drug that repairs DNA prevent noise-induced hearing loss? That would be great, but Dr. Daniel Fink asks why Americans focus on finding “a pill for every ill” instead of preventing disease in the first place.
Will personal music players be the next public health disaster for young people?
Will personal music players be the next public health disaster for young people? Dr. Daniel Fink fears the answer is yes, and says we must regulate now to prevent a hearing loss epidemic tomorrow.
Genetic susceptibility to hearing loss from noise exposure
Research shows there is a genetic susceptibility to hearing loss from noise exposure. Whether you are more susceptible or not, there’s an easy way to avoid NIHL—avoid loud noise.
A revised definition of noise for National Protect Your Hearing Month
Dr. Daniel Fink proposes a revised definition of noise for National Protect Your Hearing Month: noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound.
Animal study may have implications on human hearing issues
A recent animal study may shed light on human hearing issues: noise-induced hearing loss in chincillas shows changes in nerve processing of auditory signals.
Study urges efforts to prevent noise-induced hearing loss
A recent study urges the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss as research shows noise-induced hearing loss has worse effects on hearing than age-related metabolic loss.