Expensive headphones to block restaurant noise is the wrong answer to a persistent problem. The right answer is to make restaurants quieter!
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Millions of Americans don’t protect their ears
Millions of Americans don’t protect their ears from noise, creating a generation burdened with hearing loss and more. Dr. Daniel Fink wonders if people would be motivated to protect their hearing and fight for quiet if they knew that noise caused hearing loss, tinnitus, and hyperacusis–none of which can be cured.
Can teens get tinnitus?
Can teens get tinnitus? Sadly, yes. Emily Barker writes about how she developed tinnitus and hyperacusis at age 19 after a one-time exposure to loud sound at a night club.
A sobering article on a severe form of hyperacusis:
A sobering article on a severe form of hyperacusis: When even soft noises feel like a knife to the eardrums. Joyce Cohen writes about hyperacusis and pain.
On hearing loss and the hope for a cure
An excellent overview on hearing loss and the reason we can hope for treatment–and perhaps a cure–in the future.
Spotlight on hyperacusis
TQC founding member Bryan Pollard, founder and president of Hyperacusis Research, updates the community on the next steps in hyperacusis research.
A punch in the jaw made every sound torture for this model
Katrina Caro was working as a nightclub waitress when she was inadvertently punched in the jaw. What appeared at first to be a dental injury turned out to be far worse–the jaw pain spread to her ears, causing a severe form of hyperacusis.