Noise is the new “secondhand smoke” and cities are starting to regulate it by going after the low hanging fruit, like helicopters and leaf blowers.
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Pursuing an invisible threat
Prof. Rick Neitzel views noise as an invisible threat. Click to learn more about his study of noise pollution exposure and health outcomes.
Information is our weapon against noise
Information is our weapon against noise, and Dr. Daniel Fink is determined to spread the truth about noise and how it harms our health.
Yes. The answer is yes.
Are noise-filled trains bad for your health? YES!!! So why do we put up with anti-social miscreants who impose their noise on public spaces?
This new year resolve to avoid products that damage health (even when used as directed)!
This new year resolve to avoid products that damage health (even when used as directed)! Click here to see what you should avoid to protect your hearing.
How quiet should it be?
How quiet should it be? Dr. Daniel Fink finds out on a bucolic vacation in Wales where the night time sound level clocks in at under 40 decibels.
Tracking those noisy airplanes flying over your house
Want to track those noisy airplanes flying over your house? There’s an app for that…and it’s free! Click here to learn more.
Why is Cosmopolitan writing about hearing loss?
Why is Cosmopolitan writing about hearing loss? Because protecting your hearing today is better than dealing with hearing loss tomorrow!
How City Noise is Slowly Killing You
Is city noise slowly killing you? This Harper’s Bazaar article says yes. Click here to learn more!