Photo credit: Kaique Rocha from Pexels by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition This report from television station WLKY in Louisville, Kentucky correctly warns that noise from fireworks can cause permanent hearing loss. The report doesn’t explicitly state this,...
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Sound regulation of unnecessary noise
After a New Year’s fireworks display resulted in the death of hundreds of birds, Devon council in the UK is enforcing a noise limit on future displays.
Ford designs noise-proof kennels for noise-hating dogs
Ford designs noise-proof kennels for noise-hating dogs. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s obviously an expensive—and unattainable—piece of kit. Instead, we can help all dogs by demanding quiet fireworks.
Fireworks banned on the Galapagos to protect wildlife
Fireworks banned on the Galapagos to protect wild life. Kudos to Ecuador for taking action—it’s clear that fireworks pose a serious health threat to all living things.
7 reasons to say no to fireworks
Treehugger gives us 7 reasons to say no to fireworks. We focused like a laser beam on the last two reasons–cruelty to animals and hearing loss–but the others are just as bad. Click to learn more.
Enjoy the holiday!
Enjoy the holiday! Just remember to protect your ears.
Fido hates fireworks
Many dogs are traumatized by fireworks, so here are a few tips on how to protect your pooch during fireworks season.
Can fireworks hurt babies’ ears?
Can fireworks hurt babies’ ears? “Absolutely,” says Cat Bowen, who is deaf and has a daughter who is hard of hearing. Click here to learn how Bowen protects her children’s hearing.