Photo credit: RDNE Stock project by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies Many people move to rural areas to escape noise, only to discover that noise soon finds them. Texas...
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Dr. Arline Bronzaft
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Workplaces are still too loud
Photo credit: Kindel Media by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies Craig Hale’s article in techradar is titled: “Feeling unproductive at work.” In it, Hale informs us that...
New York City subways aren’t getting quieter
Photo credit: Roy Reyna by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies According to Ole Siever’s article in amNY, “New York’s subways are loud, and they’re not getting any quieter.”...
‘We know what to do. We lack the will to do it’
Photo credit: Joey Lu by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition A recent BBC report states that traffic noise pollution harms children’s health and development. Traffic noise includes aviation noise, railroad noise and road traffic noise. Traffic noise is the...
Neighbors: limit use of noisy garden equipment
Photo credit: Pixabay by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies In this Homes and Gardens article, writer Alex David informs readers that garden power equipment can be noisy and...
Bronzaft featured on national podcast
Photo credit: Pixabay by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition The Quiet Coalition’s and Quiet Communities’ Arline Bronzaft was recently a featured guest on the American Psychological Association podcast. I read the transcript of the podcast but you can listen...
Photo credit: Pixabay by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition Former Boston Herald Sunday Magazine gardening columnist Catherine Greenleaf moved to Vermont some years ago, became interested in birds and now records the Birdhugger podcast twice a month. She...
New Jersey crime bill targets loud mufflers
Photo credit: jay pizzle by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies This Shore News Network article explains that loud muffler and exhaust system modifications could be more...
Times Square Margaritaville facing noise fines
Photo credit: Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies When people think of noise in New York City, they often mention Times Square as a crowded,...