Protecting children’s hearing requires preventing exposure to loud sound. Start them young with ear muffs, and don’t give in to their pleas for headphones—you can’t monitor the sound volume if you can’t hear it!
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Where children live shapes their lives. Could noise be a factor?
A new study looks at census information and correlates it with children’s future economic and social attainment. Dr. Daniel Fink wonders what we would see if noise levels were looked at too.
85 decibel headphones aren’t safe for children
85 decibel headphones aren’t safe for children. The UK has recognized the danger of advertising headphones limited to 85 dBA as safe for children’s ears when they are not safe. When will the U.S. do something to protect children’s hearing?
Hospital noise reduces children’s sleep time
Hospital noise reduces children’s sleep time and that’s a real problem. Whether at the hospital or at home, uninterrupted sleep is important for good health.
Cochlear implants for children born without hearing
Cochlear implants bring the gift of hearing to children born without it. They and their parents know the value of hearing, and so should we all.
Listening to loud music on headphones is causing hearing loss in children
Listening to loud music on headphones is causing hearing loss in children, researchers believe. Love your kids? Take away their headphones.
Noise is bad for children
The World Health Organization has known for over a decade that noise adversely affects children’s health. So why haven’t we done anything to protect them?
Too loud: noisy toys can damage a child’s hearing
Too loud! Noisy toys can damage a child’s hearing. Before you buy that toy, read this and know you are buying one that’s fun and safe.
Children need quiet
Quiet is crucial for your children. Learn why–and more importnatly–how to introduce some quiet into your children’s lives.