Photo credit: Matteo Badini by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition Treehugger reports that the BBC has produced 50 hours of nature videos with soothing pictures and sound tracks. According to the report, research sponsored by BBC Earth showed that viewing...
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What sounds drive you crazy?
Photo credit: Liza Summer by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition The BBC reports on a study done by researchers at King’s College London and the University of Oxford showing that about 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from misophonia. What is misophonia? It is a...
When noise pollution is in your home
Photo credit: Kampus Production by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies This BBC article starts with the complaint of a wife who cannot stand her husband’s snores and how he...
London Underground noise complaints on the rise
Photo credit: Roy Reyna from Pexels by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies Thomas Mackintosh, BBC, writes in his recent article on the London Underground that there has been...
Hospitals can be made quieter
Hospitals are surprisingly noisy places. Dr. Daniel Fink wonders why the health care system can organize to treat serious medical problems quickly, but has done so little to make hospitals quieter.
The EU wants quiet, fuel-efficient airplanes sooner
The EU wants quiet and fuel-efficient airplanes sooner not later and Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Siemens are eager to make them happen by 2025. Where is the U.S.?