Quiet race cars? Yes! “Formula E racing” is a hot new world sport

Sep 21, 2017 | Blog, Design, Transportation Noise

Photo credit: Smokeonthewater licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

By David Sykes, Vice Chair, The Quiet Coalition 

Race cars are supposed to be LOUD right? I grew up fascinated by Formula 1, Grand Prix racing and the incredibly loud Indy 500—all of which necessitated the use of hearing protection. But no more. In 2014, a new class of all-electric race cars called “Formula E” emerged and began racing in various venues around the world. France, of course, now holds an annual “ePrix,” and Los Angeles was the first city in the U.S. to host a Formula E race. But on July 16th of this year, Brooklyn hosted an exciting one.

If you’re a car nut like me, who’s also concerned about air and noise pollution, this is the sport for you!

Here’s a list of Formula E events in 2017 and the schedule of races in 2018.



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