Quiet Communities launches its new website

Feb 2, 2021 | Newsroom

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Photo credit: Bella White from Pexels

by Gina Briggs, Executive Editor, and Jamie Banks, PhD, MS, Co-Founder and Program Director

You may have noticed that the Quiet Coalition site looks a bit different. Behind the scenes, Quiet Communities, the nonprofit organization that hosts the Quiet Coalition program along with three others–Quiet Landcare, Quiet Empowerment, and Quiet Healthcare–has been working diligently to highlight its programs. With this new website, users have a one-stop shop to find relevant information, news, and advice on a full spectrum of noise issues.

The new site also reflects the next step Quiet Communities is taking. Formed in 2013, Quiet Communities has grown from an organization focused on outdoor noise, to one that addresses all aspects of noise and the adverse effects it has on health and well being. As we focus on growing our footprint and raising funds to grow to the next level, we hope you will continue to rely on us for information about noise and what we can do to address it.

Among other things, starting this week Quiet Coalition will now publish posts Monday through Friday as the Silencity website folds its operations into ours. We welcome Silencity’s subscribers and hope you will subscribe to Quiet Coalition.

The next couple of years will bring hard work. But we are determined to continue to raise awareness about the health aspects of noise and what we can do together to control it.

We hope you will join us on the next leg of our journey.


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