Quiet Coalition’s Arline Bronzaft interviewed for the New York Times

Dec 22, 2023 | Blog, Noise Cameras, Public Health

Photo credit: Susan Santoro

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

The Quiet Coalition’s Arline Bronzaft was mentioned in a recent article in The New York Times about noise and noise cameras in New York City. The story appeared in both the Metropolitan and national editions of the newspaper, in both print as well as in the Times’ online edition. The article may be behind a paywall, but the following quote is worth noting:

“Few people have done more to try to turn down the city’s volume than Ms. Bronzaft, 87. She has been advising mayors, subway administrators and other officials since the 1970s, when she completed a widely publicized study that determined that schoolchildren in classrooms next to train tracks in Inwood performed worse than those in quieter classrooms.”

We are glad Arline is getting this well-deserved recognition. Her tireless efforts over more than 50 years are helping to make New York City, and the whole world, a quieter and better place for all.

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