The problems with hearing aids

Photo credit: Steve Johnson licensed under CC by 2.0

and the solutions. Manfred starts her piece with a stunning statistic: “A whopping 80 percent of adults between the ages of 55 and 74 who would benefit from a hearing aid do not use them.” Why? For a variety of reasons: discomfort, disappointment with the sound quality, difficulty in using them, expense, and a fear of “wear[ing] something associated with ‘old.’” But what these people don’t realize, Manfred writes, is “the profound damage that uncorrected hearing loss can do to your physical, emotional and cognitive health.”

Click the link to read about the effect of hearing loss on the brain–it’s profound–and read Manfred’s responses to the various excuses people give for not getting a pair of hearing aids. If you have any questions about your hearing, get it checked. If you need hearing aids, get them. But remember that the best option is to prevent hearing loss in the first instance by protecting your ears from loud sound.

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