Plane passenger disturbed by loud noise

Photo credit: Berkalp Turper

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

Most of our posts about aircraft noise focuses on how aircraft noise disturbs residents living near airports. This post also deals with airplane noise, but in this case, it is the noise created by a passenger. An individual exposed to the noise of a fellow passenger described in a Reddit post that the passenger was watching a show on their phone at full volume. The volume from the phone was loud enough that other passengers on the plane threw dirty looks and complained.

It took 15 minutes before the individual reporting the incident finally asked that the volume be turned down, and it was. We also learn that the passenger who asked for a lower volume generally does not confront strangers in this manner, but had to in this setting because the sounds were so loud. Even wearing headphones did not lessen the sounds. What followed was a “peaceful” flight.

Other Reddit users described similar incidents of being exposed to loud videos. Interestingly, in the incident cited in this case and in another one shared on Reddit, flight attendants were not available to address the issue. According to the article, people listening to loud music or watching loud videos did not appear to be aware of the high volume.

A travel advisor, when asked how to handle this sort of situation, suggested that a flight attendant be called to talk with the passenger causing the disturbance. I do not know how often passengers are impacted by others who are not aware that their loud talking or loud listening devices are disturbing others. I would suggest that airlines consider asking attendants to remind passengers that their behavior on the plane should not disturb others.

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