Noise is bad for your heart

This image from Gray’s Anatomy is in the public domain

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

Dr. Nandi, a health news commentator for television station WXYZ in Detroit, Michigan, explains why loud noise is bad for your heart.

Here’s a hint: it causes stress, and that causes high blood pressure, heart attack and heart failure, stroke, and death.

Dr. Nandi didn’t reference a recent article by Dr. Thomas Münzel from Germany in the current Journal of the American College of Cardiology, but I’m pretty sure that’s where he got his information. The Washington Post did speak with Dr. Münzel for its coverage of this topic.

Dr. Münzel’s new article is behind a paywall so only the abstract is available for free, but in it he and his colleagues updated information he wrote about in the European Heart Journal in 2014.

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