UK noise and health webinar

Photo credit: Daniel Dudek licensed under CC BY 2.0

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

Our noise friend John Stewart has notified us of the forthcoming UK Noise Association Webinar on Noise and Health and has given us permission to help disseminate information about the webinar.

The speaker is world-renowned expert Professor Stephen Stansfeld, who is one of the authors of this noted 2014 article on the auditory and non-auditory effects of noise on health, which has been cited almost 2000 times in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

With John’s permission, I’m just forwarding the email he sent me but I added the Zoom link so you don’t have to bother him with an email to ask for it.

You may be interested in the UK Noise Association Webinar

30th JUNE 5-6 pm (UK time)

We are delighted that Professor Stephen Stansfeld, a world-renowned expert on noise, will give a talk on


Followed by questions and discussion.

Here is the Zoom link:

5 p.m. in the United Kingdom is noon in New York City and 9 .m. in Los Angeles.

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