New Yorkers trained to identify illegal noise levels

Photo credit: Josh Sorenson

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

When I speak to people in cities across the United States about their local noise by-laws, their major concerns center on enforcement. Essentially, many people complain that by-laws are not enforced, either being treated lightly by law enforcement or not being held up if challenged in court. Thus, this article by Julie Lane was interesting because it stressed how Shelter Island, New York, noise enforcement officers were going to be trained to do their job. 

Eric Zwerling is responsible for training the enforcers. I have known and worked with Zwerling for many years on noise issues. He is the director of the Noise Technical Assistance Center at Rutgers University in New Jersey, a post he’s had for over 30 years. Choosing someone long-associated with trying to lessen noise pollution speaks to the seriousness of Shelter Island’s efforts to reduce noise.

Zwerling informs the new enforcement officers that assessing noise is not just a matter of measuring the sound level.  One must also be aware of the surroundings where the sounds are being measured. He takes them outside to familiarize them with nearby sounds, like airplanes flying overhead, boom box music and traffic sounds. He also takes the officers on a field trip to familiarize them with their noise meters. Their education also involves learning now to write violations so that they will hold up in court. But enforcement isn’t just about writing citations, Zwerling said. It is about using the right tools to determine whether or not a violation “abuses the sensitivities of others.”

Shelter Island also requires enforcement officers to get certified every three years.I  would like to know if the island has studied the effectiveness of this program by questioning residents to determine if they believe their noise complaints are adequately addressed. Nonetheless, I compliment the island’s efforts to enforce its noise code.  

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