New London, Conn., launches “Operation Quiet-Down”

Photo credit: Jay McAnally licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, and Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition

Is it really surprising to learn that New London, Connecticut has experienced an increase in noise complaints this summer? Like the many noise complaints in New York City, the complaints are about noise from fireworks, loud parties, and revving car and motorcycle engines. Kudos to the New London Police department who are responding to this uptick in noise complaints by launching “Operation Quiet-Down.

Police Chief Brian Wright points out that the city has a noise ordinance in place and the police will be writing citations in line with this ordinance. Chief Wright made it clear, however, that their first effort will be educating residents about the need to comply with the noise ordinance. Thus, if it is just a noise issue, the police can start with a conversation. But if the noise is accompanied by unsafe driving, then there could be a citation issued.

Maya Sheppard, who runs a youth organization, expressed concern that certain groups of people may be prevented from expressing joyful sounds. Chief Wright responded by saying he is not stopping people from celebrating. He believes one can “still enjoy, just not be as loud or noisy where it becomes an issue.”

The police department will be adding personnel on certain days and times to deal with the noise complaints.

I hope that we see a follow-up at the end of the summer as to the success of this program in curbing noise complaints.

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