More than half of “NYC’s noisiest bars” are in Brooklyn

Photo credit: The All-Nite Images licensed under CC BY 2.0

Surprising no one who lives there.

So what can be done about the noise? Gothamist doesn’t hold out much hope, stating:

It will be interesting to see if the city’s Night Mayor, Ariel Palitz will have any response to this list. But don’t count on it; Palitz used to be the owner of the now-shuttered Sutra nightclub in the East Village, considered one of New York’s loudest bars.

We agree with Gothamist. Dr. Arline Bronzaft wrote about Palitz’ appointment at the time and graciously offered her advice garnered from a life time of experience addressing New York City noise.  But, sadly, the city has apparently opted to ignore the advice of experts–among other things, Dr. Bronzaft, a board member of GrowNYC, has advised the last five mayors on matters of noise–focusing instead on the opinions of an advisory board that is well represented by DJs, performers, and bar owners.  Good luck, Brooklyn.

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