May 23rd: Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Celebrates 20th Anniversary in NYC

May 12, 2017 | Blog, Noise, Quiet Coalition

I’d like to invite everyone to an evening with some of the most respected writers on the subject of the social and health impacts of noise, including The Quiet Coalition’s very own Dr. Arline Bronzaft.  Other writers include:

George Prochnik—In Pursuit of Silence Emily Thompson—The Soundscape of Modernity Garret Keizer—The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want James Cowan—Environmental Acoustics and The Effects of Sound on People Arline Bronzaft—Listen to the Raindrops and Why Noise Matters Mark Connelly and John Galeotafiore—Consumer Reports Magazine

The occasion is the 20th Anniversary of the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (NPC), and the event will be on May 23, 2017 in New York City.  See the invitation for more details on spending an evening with these writers as well as the product noise testers from Consumer Reports Magazine.

Tickets to the gala, which is a fundraiser for NPC, are $200 for an individual, $300 for a couple. To reserve your tickets, mail in the return form or call the NPC office at 888-200-8332.

I hope you will be able to join us. It will be a fun and interesting evening with the most impressive collection of writers about noise ever assembled.


Les Blomberg

Executive Director, Noise Pollution Clearinghouse

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