It’s National Protect Your Hearing Month

A woman places protective earmuffs on a preteen boy. Text above them reads: October is National Protect Your Hearing Month.

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month.

And just in time, the adaptation of a paper published during the summer in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics with Jan Mayes was published in the October issue of The Hearing Journal. Jan and I adapted our article–with permission, of course–because The Hearing Journal is a leading publication in health care, with a readership of 22,000 hearing healthcare professionals.

We want everyone to know that 85 decibels isn’t a safe noise level for the public, that 85 decibels isn’t the sound pressure level at which auditory damage begins, and that noise levels in everyday life are high enough to cause hearing loss.

Remember: If something sounds loud, it’s too loud, and your hearing is at risk. Turn down the volume, walk away from the sound source, or insert earplugs to protect your hearing.

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