Humans are impacting migrating animal species

Photo credit: Pixabay

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

Human beings have endangered their own health and well-being by exacerbating climate change and surrounding themselves with air and noise pollutants. However, according to a new report by the United Nations, cited in this NPR article, humans are also endangering the survival of the many migratory species that share this earth. This includes whales, sea turtles, apes, songbirds and others who “are threatened with extinction.” This article also reminds us that the existence of these species is economically beneficial to humans.

The conservation scientists who prepared the report studied over 1,100 species who are already protected by an earlier treaty to determine whether suggested conservation methods are working. While some protections appear to be working, the article states that much more needs to be done. 

This report underscores similar findings in earlier research and notes that the protection of species differs amongst countries. We learn, not surprisingly, that hunting and fishing are major threats but so are climate change and pollution — which includes light and sound pollution. I will safely assume that sound includes human-made noises. For more information on how our noises affect animal life, I would suggest reading this report published in BioScience.

This United Nations report will be discussed by readers around the world, who are concerned about the survival of the many species that inhabit our earth. The article ends by stating that everyone can do something to protect themselves from noise and air pollution. Advocating for a quieter world is one way we can protect ourselves from harm. But remember, we will be protecting our fellow species as well.

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