Girl scout receives national honor for work on hearing health

Photo credit: Elizabeth Goodspeed licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

Christina Mayo, The Miami Herald, reports about Girl Scout Kelly Culhane, who was honored for being an exceptional leader for her work with the Ear Peace Foundation. It’s a heartwarming story.

Mayo reports that Culhane was named a National Gold Award Girl Scout, the highest honor awarded by the Girl Scouts–and she’s the first Girl Scout from Miami to win this award. She won this distinction for her “Gold Award-winning project in which she partnered with the Ear Peace: Save Your Hearing Foundation.”  Says Mayo:

Kelly wrote the script, filmed and edited an educational video called “Band Together to Protect Your Hearing,” which is used in the foundation’s teacher training workshops for 392 schools in Miami-Dade County.

You can see Culhane’s video and learn more here.

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