Photo credit: Anthony

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

Finding Your Quiet Space is the title of this episode of CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, MD’s, podcast, Chasing Life.  In it, Dr. Gupta interviews pioneering acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton and his associate, quiet activist Vikram Chauhan.

Quiet is important for concentration, for happiness, and for our physical and mental health. To help people find quiet, Hempton and Chauhan have formed Quiet Parks International.

The Quiet Coalition’s Arline Bronzaft, PhD, serves as an advisor to Quiet Parks International. She kindly let me know about a October 25 volunteer get-together via Zoom for those interested in quiet urban parks.

Thanks to Trish Glass at The Quiet Coalition’s parent organization, Quiet Communities, Inc., for letting us know about Dr. Gupta’s podcast.

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