Photo credit: SpaceX
by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies
Congress has acknowledged the adverse impacts of noise on human health by passing legislation that recognizes the “disruptive and dangerous disturbances” communities will face unless the noise generated by space launches is curbed. This article by Jonathan Ward informs us that Space X launches impose noise on nearby residents. The sonic booms emitted by these launches have been recorded as high as 115 decibels.
Ward stresses the importance of these launches to our national security, as well as to our technological standing worldwide. Thus, the country cannot afford to be pressured by residents, who live near Cape Canaveral and other launch sites, to cut back on the number of these launches. However, if one understands how intrusive loud sounds and sonic booms are, one can surely understand the community’s opposition.
Ward appears optimistic that paths will be found to reduce the noise by noting that the innovation essential to our progress in space travel can be extended to seeking ways to reduce noise pollution. I await to learn if his assessment is correct.