Coloradans file noise complaints over music venue

Photo credit: George Webster

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

The new outdoor Ford Amphitheater in Colorado Springs has not been welcomed by nearby residents, according to recent reporting in the Denver Gazette. They claim that this new theater has “inundated” them with unwanted sound. These residents are not alone in complaining about these sounds, as we have heard from residents around the country who are disturbed by nearby music venues. Colorado Springs residents had an opportunity to express their discontent at a recent City Council meeting. Some councilors have informed residents that they will see what they can do to address these complaints.

City council has received nearly 650 noise complaints, with a number of residents filing several complaints. Despite the multiple complaints that may come from a few people, there are still many individual complaints about the noise problem. In addition, people have posted complaints on social media.  

It should be noted that council approved the opening of the amphitheater. It is planned to host well-known performers and will be an attractive outdoor venue for the residents, according to the company who developed it, VENU. Interestingly, even before the amphitheater was approved, a group of local residents cited that the venue’s sounds might violate the state’s Noise Pollution Law and filed a lawsuit. This lawsuit was dismissed, but there is an appeal pending.

VENU installed noise-abatement measures, including some that assess sounds from the theater so levels could be adjusted if they were too loud. VENU officials believe that the sounds from the theater have not exceeded required levels, but residents disagree and have filed noise complaints. One recent performance received a great deal of complaints.  

Here we have another situation where a music venue is applauded by business people, public officials and some residents as a benefit for their community, while others see the loud sounds as intrusive and disturbing. We will wait to hear how council deals with the complaints.

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