What will the outdoors sound like in the future? Kurt Fristrup of the National Park Service Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division has an idea.
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As our natural spaces become increasingly less quiet
What will the outdoors sound like in the future? Kurt Fristrup, chief of the Science and Technology Branch at the National Park Service Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division, has an idea.
How quiet should it be?
How quiet should it be? Dr. Daniel Fink finds out on a bucolic vacation in Wales where the night time sound level clocks in at under 40 decibels.
The rare peace that only silence can offer
Poet Meghan O’Rourke leaves the hustle and bustle of Brooklyn to wander through Hoh Rain Forest in search of “a willful silence.”
How to deal with noisy neighbors
How to deal with noisy neighbors? Dr. Arline Bronzaft offers advice culled from years of intervention on behalf of sleepless city residents.
The disappearing soundscape
Read about Bernie Krause and his life’s work recording the natural world around us in, “This is what extinction sounds like.”
Is quiet a luxury?
Is quiet a luxury? The growth of silent spas resorts and retreats suggests yes. Click here to learn how some quiet time can help you.
July 18th is World Listening Day
July 18 is World Listening Day. David Sykes suggests ways in which to celebrate the day, with two new books, a movie, or a visit to a quiet National Park.
“In Pursuit of Silence” opens in NYC and LA
Coming to a theater near you? “In Pursuit of Silence,” a “meditative exploration of our relationship with silence” to premier in New York City and Los Angeles.