Photo credit: Steven Zucker, Smarthistory co-founder licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by David M. Sykes, Vice Chair, The Quiet Coalition Hearing is so primal, so instinctive, you're often unconscious of sounds around you. Until they’re gone. A monument whose deep...
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On being silent in a noisy world
Gal Beckerman in “The Case for Covering Your Ears,” writes about the importance of being silent and of hearing silence in a noisy world.
The sound of winter
The sound of winter is starkly different in rural Maine than Manhattan. Jennifer Finney Boylan reflects on the difference and her appreciation of the sound of nothing at all.
For the love of sound, a whole city must keep quiet
An ambitious recording project in Cremona, Italy requires quiet in the streets surrounding an auditorium where the town’s famous violins will be recorded. And everyone in town joins in.
Embracing stillness
Watch this short interview of Steve Orfield, who runs an anechoic chamber, one of the quietest places on earth, as he discusses the importance of stillness.
The sound of silence
Robert Twigger, poet, writer, and explorer, writes about how he rejuvenates himself when he is feeling crushed by noise.
Scottish docs to begin prescribing rambling and birdwatching
Scottish docs to begin prescribing rambling, birdwatching to treat chronic illnesses. Dr. Daniel Fink says being outdoors is good for overall health, including auditory health.
Want to get away from the noise?
Want to get away from the noise? It’s getting increasingly harder to accomplish, but some intrepid souls try their best to find and map quiet places.
Yes. The answer is yes.
Are noise-filled trains bad for your health? YES!!! So why do we put up with anti-social miscreants who impose their noise on public spaces?