Photo credit: Dương Nhân by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies When you read an article that states that an interdisciplinary group of researchers have received a sizable...
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Peace and Quiet
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Do we actually hear silence?
Photo credit: Matthias Zomer by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition Do we actually hear silence? That’s the title of a Scientific American article by Shayla Love. Love reports that researchers at Johns Hopkins University did an experiment to study if this is...
Filmmaker takes on noise pollution
Photo credit: William Alexander by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies That fact that adverse noise impacts are receiving more attention is evidenced by the numerous...
Noise is a problem on Spain’s Costa del Sol
Photo credit: Pixabay by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition The EuroWeekly site reports that noise is a problem on Spain’s Costa del Sol. Reporter Adam Woodward writes that noise from vehicle exhausts and other sources is a problem in Benalmadena’s Arroyo de...
What is the best noise for sleep?
Photo credit: Pixabay by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition We can close our eyes and fall asleep on a sunny beach after lunch, but we cannot close our ears. Hearing evolved eons ago to help animals either find food or avoid being eaten, and we can hear even...
Kansas city creating quieter railroad crossings
Photo credit: Krivec Ales by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies As someone who gets many calls regarding noise problems, I've heard from many people around the country about...
The Golden Rule
Photo credit: RDNE Stock project by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition Our colleague, pioneering noise researcher Dr. Arline Bronzaft, wrote a wonderful essay in the newsletter of the Holy Trinity Church, located in the Inwood and Washington Heights...
Unapologetically seeking quiet, together and alone
Photo credit: nicollazzi xiong by Jeanine Botta, MPH, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition A persistent myth about noise is that only affluent people value quiet, and want to ruin the fun for everyone else. When I saw the title in National Geographic, "How silence became...
New York City’s search for quiet
Photo credit: Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition Scienceline published an article by reporter Dawn Attride titled, "The city’s search for quiet: in a bustling city like New York, how does noise affect us?" Scienceline is a...