Human noise threatens marine life, a recent study concludes. That’s not surprising, says Dr. Daniel Fink, because all creatures evolved in quiet and loud noise in nature is rare.
Article Category:
Noise and Animals
Article Categories
Preserving the rainforest’s soundtrack
Researchers believe that recording a rainforest’s soundtrack could help preserve it. Click here to learn about bioacoustics and how this burgeoning field hopes to save the world’s rainforests.
Fireworks banned on the Galapagos to protect wildlife
Fireworks banned on the Galapagos to protect wild life. Kudos to Ecuador for taking action—it’s clear that fireworks pose a serious health threat to all living things.
Good news for dog owners
The FDA has approved a drug that helps to calm dogs that are afraid of fireworks and other loud noises. But instead of drugging our dogs, why not mandate quiet fireworks instead?
What do ducks hear, and why we should care
What do ducks hear? Why should we care? Because we should care about all living things on the face of the earth and in its waters, says Dr. Daniel Fink.
7 reasons to say no to fireworks
Treehugger gives us 7 reasons to say no to fireworks. We focused like a laser beam on the last two reasons–cruelty to animals and hearing loss–but the others are just as bad. Click to learn more.
Another promising lead for repairing hearing loss
by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition This article reports yet another promising lead for repairing hearing loss from research done at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Sea anemones can repair hair cells on their tentacles that respond to vibration....
As our natural spaces become increasingly less quiet
What will the outdoors sound like in the future? Kurt Fristrup of the National Park Service Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division has an idea.
How a tsunami revealed human noise pollution
Photo credit: Calbear22, photo released into the public domain reports how a tsunami that struck Hawaii in 2011--caused by the same earthquake that hit Japan and created the tsunami that triggered the Fukushima nuclear disaster--caused a temporary halt to...