Dr. Arline Bronzaft writes about the use of long-range acoustic devices by police, noting that LRADs harm protesters’ hearing and violate their 1st amendment rights.
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Intentional Noise
Article Categories
The loudest toys to avoid this holiday season
Dr. Daniel Fink writes about this holiday season’s list of loudest toys to avoid. One major issue is there is no evidenced-based noise exposure levels for children, so if a toy sounds too loud, then assume it is too loud.
Do protestors have the right to make too much noise?
Do protestors have the right to make too much noise? Dr. Arline Bronzaft discusses loud protests and noise ordinances, noting hospitals have enforced quiet zones without impinging free speech.
As protests grow, will Trump’s threatened military force include NextGen sonic weapons?
David Sykes asks if protest grow and Trump threatens military force, will they deploy dangerous sonic weapons on U.S. citizens? U.S. police departments have used them on citizens before.
Protecting your ears at protests
If you have joined protests recently, you know the police are using low flying helicopters and flash-bang devices. Both can hurt year ears, so please bring ear plugs with you when you go.
Rethinking sirens during the pandemic
Dr. Arline Bronzaft writes about the omnipresent sirens blaring in New York City and wonders if post-pandemic legislation addressing siren volume may finally get enacted.
Protecting your ears at protests
If you have been protesting recently, you know the police are using low flying helicopters and flash-bang devices. Both can hurt your hearing, so please bring ear plugs when you go.
Coronavirus has people howling at the moon
Coronavirus has people howling at the moon, writes Dr. Daniel Fink. And he understands why. In times such as these, coming together through sound brings comfort and unity.
How Mumbai solves its horn problem
Dr. Daniel Fink writes about the elegant way Mumbai is solving its horn problem—the police hook up decibel meters to lights and if drivers honk their horns, the light remains red!