The high cost of hearing aids may be coming down if proposed legislation is enacted. But Dr. Daniel Fink says that preventing hearing loss is the better option.
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Hearing Loss
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New explanation for why older people can’t hear in noisy environments
There’s a new explanation for why older people can’t hear in noisy environments-recent research suggests that there may be a brain or central processing problem.
Fido hates fireworks
Many dogs are traumatized by fireworks, so here are a few tips on how to protect your pooch during fireworks season.
Can fireworks hurt babies’ ears?
Can fireworks hurt babies’ ears? “Absolutely,” says Cat Bowen, who is deaf and has a daughter who is hard of hearing. Click here to learn how Bowen protects her children’s hearing.
Gene may hold key to hearing recovery
A gene may hold the key to hearing recovery and may explain why noise exposure makes some people deaf but not others.
Millions of Americans don’t protect their ears
Millions of Americans don’t protect their ears from noise, creating a generation burdened with hearing loss and more. Dr. Daniel Fink wonders if people would be motivated to protect their hearing and fight for quiet if they knew that noise caused hearing loss, tinnitus, and hyperacusis–none of which can be cured.
Experts: Hearing loss is on the rise among young adults
Hearing loss is on the rise in young adults. Unless they are warned about the dangers of loud sound, young adults “may be destined to swap out their headphones for hearing aids.”
The perils of fame?
The perils of fame? For pop stars one peril is hearing damage–either hearing loss or tinnitus–a common injury among professional musicians.
The problems with hearing aids
Erica Manfred writes about the problems with hearing aids–and the solutions. They aren’t perfect, but the consequences of not wearing them are profound.