by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition This article reports yet another promising lead for repairing hearing loss from research done at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Sea anemones can repair hair cells on their tentacles that respond to vibration....
Article Category:
Hearing Loss
Article Categories
Gene therapy is great, but can anyone afford it?
Gene therapy is great, but can anyone afford it? Dr. Daniel Fink suggests a cheaper option for dealing with hearing loss: prevent it first!
Pursuing an invisible threat
Prof. Rick Neitzel views noise as an invisible threat. Click to learn more about his study of noise pollution exposure and health outcomes.
Ringing ears is a sign of permanent damage to hearing
Ringing ears is a sign of permanent damage to hearing. So what can you do to avoid it? First, know the truth about safe decibel levels.
Australians are in danger of hearing loss
An Australian University found that 1 in 10 Australians use personal listening devices at dangerously high volumes & show signs of hearing loss.
Information is our weapon against noise
Information is our weapon against noise, and Dr. Daniel Fink is determined to spread the truth about noise and how it harms our health.
Local airports are a problem too
Local airports are a problem and communities are joining together to fight back against noise and air pollution caused by private jets.
March 3 is World Hearing Day
March 3 is World Hearing Day. The WHO’s campaign–“Hear the Future”–draws attention to the anticipated increase in hearing loss worldwide.
Loud music is just as addictive as smoking
Loud music is just as addictive as smoking. Break the habit and save your hearing by lowering the volume and protecting your ears.