Another lifestyle website offers advice on how to prevent modern-day noise from damaging your hearing. The advice is mostly basic, but we like the idea of noise vacations.
Article Category:
Hearing Loss
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The Toronto Star says “Turn down the volume!”
The Toronto Star says “Turn down the volume!” Dr. Daniel Fink writes about Toronto’s efforts to make the city a quieter place and the health impacts of second-hand noise.
Should we focus on clinical services or on preventing hearing loss?
Should we focus on clinical services or on preventing hearing loss? Why not both? Let’s help those who have hearing loss now, and teach those who do not how to preserve their hearing.
The CDC is trying to prevent heart attacks. When will it try to prevent hearing loss?
The CDC is trying to prevent heart attacks. When will it try to prevent hearing loss?
After all, preventing hearing loss is easier—just avoid loud noise.
How to prevent hearing loss when using headphones
How to prevent hearing loss when using headphones? Only use them if you need noise-cancelling headphones in noisy situations, like an airplane cabin.
Reducing Loud Sounds and Noise: A Health Matter
Reducing loud sounds and noise isn’t just an attempt to control a nuisance—noise is a health matter, and exposure to noise affects hearing and overall health.
Measuring sound levels
You don’t need an expensive sound meter or the latest app to tell you if it’s too loud. If noise is loud enough to bother your ears, your hearing probably is being damaged.
Headphone volume may cause harm to hearing
Yet another report says headphone volume may cause harm to hearing. If you can’t hear ambient noise when listening to music with headphones, it’s too loud and hearing is being damaged.
Cochlear implants for children born without hearing
Cochlear implants bring the gift of hearing to children born without it. They and their parents know the value of hearing, and so should we all.