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Worst noise ever

Worst noise ever

Photo credit: Rob Knight licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 by Jan L. Mayes, MSc, Audiologist What is the worst noise or noises for you? Mine range from opera to loud aircraft flying over my house. But the consensus on social media is that the iPhone alarm is the worst...

Are robot mowers quiet?

Are robot mowers quiet?

Photo credit: UGA CAES/Extension licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 by Jan L. Mayes, MSc, Audiologist How loud are robot mowers? A New York Times article on reducing pollution emissions discusses increased focus on landscaping equipment like robot mowers to replace hazardous...

Universal design and DeafSpace guidelines

Universal design and DeafSpace guidelines

Image credit: Asmaa Hamed Abdel-Maksoud licensed under CC BY 4.0 by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition When I was a boy I was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s marvelous Guggenheim Museum to want to become an architect. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any talent...