FAA ok’s Google to start drone deliveries. Think airplane noise is terrible? Wait until Google & Amazon make your neighborhood a hellscape with fleets of drones.
Article Category:
Aviation Noise
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Watch out: Here come Uber’s flying taxis
Here come Uber’s flying taxis. If and when they do come, there’s no doubt everyone within hearing distance will know. Time for noise advocates to step up and face this very real threat.
Suspicion confirmed: drones are “a noisy nuisance”
Suspicion confirmed: drones are “a noisy nuisance,” says the majority of submissions made to an inquiry formed to address complaints arising during a drone delivery trial. Let’s hope they aren’t coming soon to your neighborhood.
The ugly truth about delivery drones
What compelling need delivery drones serve? We come up empty. Meanwhile, the ugly truth about them is they are noisy, and a fleet of them will be horrific.
Help for those bothered by airplane noise
Dr. Daniel Fink writes about a new tool for those bothered by airplane noise: Airnoise. Airnoise allows people living under flight paths to file noise complaints with just a simple touch of a button.
London’s Heathrow boosts quiet electric aircraft
London’s Heathrow encourages quiet, electric aircraft by offering free landing charges for a year to the UK’s first electric plane. Why can’t the U.S. do this too?
No one told you drone delivery would be so damn loud
No one told you drone delivery would be so damn loud, but it’s true. So why are we rushing
toward drone delivery when alternatives already exist?
FAA reauthorization includes noise provisions
Congress reauthorizes the FAA and expressly addresses noise in a subtitle. Kudos to the Quiet Skies Coalition groups for keeping the pressure on the FAA.
Airplane noise is an increasing problem in San Francisco
Airplane noise is a real problem in San Francisco, but something may finally be done since Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) experienced the noise firsthand when recovering from surgery at home.