Photo credit: Quintin Gellar by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies Two senses informing you about noisy areas in your town are better than one. Do check out, as I did, these...
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The power of silence in a deafening world
Photo credit: elifskies by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition This thoughtful essay on Vox , excerpted from a book by Justin Zorn and Leigh Merz, discusses the power of silence in a deafening world. Real noise, and informational noise, disturb us and make it...
One woman’s quest for silence
Photo credit: Oscar Ovalle by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies Linda Briskin lets her readers know that she disliked noise from the time she was a child. Apparently, the...
Boston researchers awarded $12.5M NIH grant for hidden hearing loss research
Photo credit: Sepehr Ehsani licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition This press release from Boston’s Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary reports on the award of a large NIH grant to Sharon Kujawa, PhD, Charles Liberman, PhD, and...
Citizen science gains a new noise tool with NoiseModelling
Photo credit: Andrew Neel by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies NoiseModelling, which was begun as a research tool, has enabled researchers to develop environmental noise...
New Yorkers suffer from excessive noise
Photo credit: Craig Adderley by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition According to this report on Spectrum NY1 cable television channel, New Yorkers suffer from excessive noise. Is anyone surprised? The “city that never sleeps” has long been one of the noisiest...
How loud is too loud?
Photo credit: Mark Stebnicki by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition How loud is too loud? That’s the question asked in the Tyler Morning Telegraph in an article written by Claudann Jones from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. We city dwellers...
Noisy classrooms interfere with learning
Photo credit: Arthur Krijgsman by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies Natalie Wexler's recent article, “Elementary Classrooms Are Too Noisy for Kids to Learn,” was not...
Underwater noise from seabed mining could travel long distances
Photo credit: J.U.L.Ö by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition We have written many times about the importance of noise in oceans and lakes, and its importance becomes greater at greater depths, where light penetration is greatly reduced. Animals living at these...