Aviation noise–let’s talk about what can be done

Photo credit: 周 康

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

The European Union Against Aircraft Nuisances (UECNA) is sponsoring another webinar about aviation noise, this time a conversation between panelists and participants. I won’t be able to attend because I will be attending the Acoustical Society of America meeting, at which I will be presenting three papers.

The ASA requested that I prepare what it calls a Lay Language Paper about my aviation noise presentation. My paper, “The FAA allows Americans to be exposed to unsafe levels of aircraft noise,” has been posted and is available to the public. I intend to submit a manuscript based on my presentation for publication in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics.

At least the European Community and the World Health Organization accept the fact that aviation noise is a health hazard. The Federal Aviation Administration still thinks more research needs to be done.

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