Aviation noise and emissions presentation now available

Photo credit: Allan So

by Daniel Fink, MD, Chair, The Quiet Coalition

The Quiet Coalition’s parent organization, Quiet Communities, Inc., has announced the availability of a new presentation, Aircraft Noise and Emissions: Health and Environmental Impacts:

This 18-minute narrated presentation, prepared by the Quiet American Skies team at Quiet Communities, explains the scientific underpinnings of the serious harms caused by aviation noise and emissions. It is meant to be used as a resource for aviation-impacted communities and inviduals as they seek to educate and engage with stakeholders, elected officials, and the public about the health and environmental impacts of aviation and encourage the inclusion of provisions in the upcoming Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2023 that will protect the health of the public and environment.

I’m interested in the noise aspects of aircraft operations. As I presented last year at the 183rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Nashville, Tennessee, the levels of aircraft noise the FAA considers to be suitable for residential land use are unsafe and endanger the health of millions of Americans living near airports or under flight paths.

I hope this new presentation will help those impacted by aviation noise convince their legislative representatives to require the FAA and the Environmental Protection Agency to take action to reduce the impact of aviation noise and pollution on affected communities.

A quieter, cleaner airspace will help make a better and healthier world for all.

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