Aviation college looks at aviation noise

Photo credit: Rafael Cosquiere

by Arline L. Bronzaft, Ph.D., Board of Directors, GrowNYC, Co-founder, The Quiet Coalition, and Honorary Chair, Quiet American Skies

As a result of my long-term research, writings and activism to reduce noise pollution and enhance quiet in our environment, I have been invited to speak to many groups that want to learn more about the deleterious impacts of noise pollution and what can be done to lessen environmental noise. High on this list have been groups impacted by the adverse effects of aircraft noise on their health and well-being.

I have also participated with a number of these anti-aircraft-noise groups at meetings with local public officials and representatives from nearby airports. At these sessions, I do discuss the adverse effects of aviation noise on health because I assume all parties at these meetings are interested in knowing the research that has found aviation noise is harmful to the health of individuals exposed to this noise regularly. I also assume that attendees to my talks are interested in the ways to reduce aviation noise.

Thus, it was with delight that I accepted the invitation to talk about Noise and Health at Vaughn College in New York City. Vaughn College is a private college that specializes in aviation and engineering education that prepares students for careers in aviation. The professors who invited me to speak are familiar with my work on noise, including aviation noise, and wanted their students to learn more about the adverse effects of noise on health. They believe that such education is key to finding ways to reduce aviation noise.

I would be pleased if other colleges with air transportation programs would also invite me, or one of my colleagues, to speak on the noise issues, especially aviation noise. Although air travel is an important part of our lives, we are still obligated to see that this mode of transportation does not adversely affect people who live in the paths of overhead aircraft.

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